The Chapter has been providing service in Southern Arizona since 1916 in times of emergency through the efforts of 500 volunteers and 20 paid staff members. Meals, shelter, clothing, and other emergency services are available during times of need and the chapter serves 1.3 million residents in Southern Arizona. In addition to disaster services, health and safety instructions and social services for the military and their families is provided.
Since 1983, Angel Charity for Children, which is comprised of 150 devoted volunteers, has helped over ONE MILLION CHILDREN in Pima County have a better life. With the help of individual donors, foundations and corporations, these dedicated ‘Angels’ are committed to funding programs or capital projects that provide Pima County’s children with the vibrant future they so richly deserve. Every year, a thoroughly researched, tax-exempt children’s charity (or multiple charities) benefits from the year-round fundraising programs.
For over 50 years, they have been around making a huge difference. Their mission is to provide building-centered programs, professional staff and a safe environment focused on youth from at-risk or disadvantaged circumstances. Close to 7,000 card-carrying members are served at six strategically located clubhouses. Cost to members remains is only $40 per year ($10.00 during the school year and $30 for the summer session) and no child is ever turned away for financial reasons.
In addition to rescuing and caring for over 35,000 abandoned animals each year, the Society offers low-cost spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations to the community. They also offer pet therapy visitation programs, assistance to domestic violence victims, education and intervention for at-risk children, and free animal behavior/training advice and counseling. They also work diligently with law enforcement agencies to rid our community of animal cruelty.
The Foundation’s mission is to develop and manage resources to provide learning opportunities at the College. Areas of support include scholarships, equipment and supplies, program development, and special needs of the College and the students it serves. The Foundation also oversees the Alumni Association – dedicated to maintaining and enhancing greater ties and relationships with former students.
Youth On Their Own (YOTO) is a dropout prevention program that supports the high school graduation and continued success of homeless, abandoned youth in grades 6-12 who are enrolled in a public, private, charter, or alternative school in Pima County. YOTO provides financial assistance, basic human needs and guidance to over 1500 youth annually.